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Miranda Hardy writes children's literature to keep the voices in her head appeased. When she's not in her fantasy world, she's canoeing in alligator infested waters or rescuing homeless animals. She resides in south Florida with her two wonderful children, and too many animals to mention.
Ainsley Shay avoids insanity by living mostly in the fiction world. She believes surrounding herself with positive people, and strives for balance in everything. She owns more jeans with rips and holes than without. For her, reading or writing the perfect sentence is better than the smoothest piece of dark chocolate melting in her mouth. She longs to move north one day, even though she hates the cold. (Go figure!) So, for now, she continues to live in warm south Florida with her incredible husband, three beautiful daughters, and two lazy cats. (We won’t mention the dog.)
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Rimi Rasheed is a professional in primary education yet follows a passion in digital illustrating, and much of her work is focused on children. She is well known for her colourful creations of lovable characters, most of which can be found on her blog. She lives in Maldives with her husband and two children.
Jay Noel was born on an uncharted island somewhere in the pacific and raised by elves and fairies. Okay, maybe not, but Jay was always known to be one for daydreaming. Jay was actually born in New York, but currently lives in St. Louis with his family. He had a pretty normal childhood, except for that one incident where he gave Jeff Glass a bloody nose and lip in the second grade, but the jerk deserved it! He also attended Southeast Missouri State University where he played NCAA Division I tennis and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Jay has a degree in English and Education.